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Carnevale con LyraDanz

In Italy Carnevale occurs before the liturgical season of Lent – the name comes from Latin carnem levare «farewell to meat»- and its celebrations mostly take place the last three days of this period or even just on martedì grasso, (Shrove Tuesday) that precedes Ash Wednesday, officially the end of Carnevale.

Celebrations, still linked to ancient rituals and traditions, include dances and parades and people wear costumes that for a day or just a couple of hours allow them to get rid of their identity and impersonate someone (or something!) else. Celebrations are also often linked to purifications rituals, including one where a big puppet of a plump man is burned to represent the end of the old year and that takes with it all negative things of the past.

Music is an important feature of Carnevale, be it in the parades on the street or on the ballrooms (still active in some small towns in Italy!).

So, if you want to experience the flavour of the real Italian Carnevale, join us! Free your creativity and come along – and bring your kids!!! – wearing the most original Carnevale’s costume for this exciting event! We’ll celebrate together and at the end of the evening we’ll announce the best adult’s and the best kid’s costume.

The evening will include an Italian buffet and a concert by amazing new group LyraDanz. LyraDanz is a musical project based on a bal folk repertoire, both traditional and original, played with some unusual instruments in the bal folk scene, such the popular harp and the bowed psaltery, and with an innovative approach to the arrangements.

So what are you waiting for? Book your place and start getting creative!

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  • Organizzato da: Italian Cultural Institute
  • In collaborazione con: Crescent Arts Centre