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A Collective Exhibition

Edinburgh Imaging’s Medical Research

An exhibition of eight striking scientific images highlighting the significant contributions made to Edinburgh Imaging by Italian scientists.  The exhibition will showcase how radiologists, medical physicians, engineers, image analysts, chemists, biologists and IT specialists at Edinburgh Imaging, continuously work together, to share knowledge and skills in order to produce world-leading imaging research which allows consultants to improve patient diagnosis, treatment and care.


Happiness and Sadness: A Journey in Photos

The exhibition tells the story of Mohamed Keita, who arrived in Rome from Ivory Coast, and discovered his passion for photography. Escaped at the age of 14 from his country, to survive the civil war that had claimed his parents’ lives, Keita has wandered, for more than three years, on a journey around the African continent before embarking toward Italy.

By appointment only

  • Organizzato da: Italian Institute of Culture