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#StayTunedOnIt #10

While we are closed to public, we would like to take you on a journey aimed to discover the best classics of Italian literature chosen from the audiobooks collection “Ad Alta Voce” broadcasted in Italian by Rai Radio3.

Our tenth choice is “Canne al vento” by Grazia Deledda read by Valentina Carnelutti.

Grazia Deledda (1871-1936) was the first Italian woman to receive the Nobel Prize for literature in 1926for her idealistically inspired writings which with plastic clarity picture the life on her native island and with depth and sympathy deal with human problems in general.” Born in Sardinia, Deledda moved to Rome in 1900; here she wrote many novels, short stories and poems focused mostly on Sardinian peasant life.

Canne al vento (Reeds in the Wind) was first published in 1913 and – set in the harsh landscape of Sardinian region of Baronia – is a poetic account of the fall of a family in early 20th century Sardinia.

“La vita passa e noi la lasciamo passare come l’acqua del fiume, e solo quando manca ci accorgiamo che manca.

Buon ascolto!

#LibriDaAscoltare #IoRestoACasa #StaySafe


Canne al vento di Grazia Deledda