Uncover the hidden heart of one of the world’s most iconic cities with Venetian author Giovanni Montanaro in conversation with Dr Federica Ferrieri. Join them as they discuss Montanaro’s acclaimed 2020 book, Il Libraio di Venezia (The Bookseller Of Venice) and enjoy an opportunity to explore a captivating tale that transcends typical depictions of Venice, delving into themes of community, resilience, and the transformative power of books amidst the backdrop of the exceptional floods experienced by the city in November 2019.
Giovanni Montanaro was born in Venice. He is a distinguished legal professional, who studied Law at the University of Padua and a critically acclaimed author.
In 2005, Montanaro gained recognition for his theatre drama, Arriva Sempre la stessa Lettera da Vienna. However, it was his debut novel, La Croce Honninfjord (2007), that marked a significant milestone in his literary journey. This work was acknowledged at the XIX edition of the Premio Italo Calvino in 2006. Subsequent novels, including Le Conseguenze (2009) and Tutti i Colori del Mondo (2012), a finalist for the prestigious Premio Campiello.
Beyond novels, Montanaro’s narrative flair is evident in diverse literary contributions like Tommaso sa le Stelle (2014), Guardami Negli Occhi (2017, Feltrinelli), Le Ultime Lezioni (2019), and Il Libraio di Venezia (2020).
Dr Federica Ferrieri has been the Italian Honorary Consul since October 2016. Federica writes language books and teaching foreign languages in QUB Open Learning and for the Crescent Arts Centre: mainly Italian, but also Latin, Ancient Greek and Modern Greek.
Free event, but booking is essential. Please book HERE