The catalogue of the library is available on-line.
Here you will be able to perform the following operations:
- simple or advanced search (selecting title or author) across all sections or just in the media section (videos, Cds, DVDs etc.);
- view the new acquisitions;
- write bibliographies and email them to a number of contacts of your choice;
- suggest new acquisitions;
- find information and figures regarding the library;
- access to the Italian language, literature and culture online resources.
Library access
The library is open to the public – Mon-Thu: 9:30 – 13:30 and 14:30 – 16:00 – Excluding Public Holidays – and Fri 9:30 – 13:00. Access to the library is free, books may be consulted in the two reading rooms.
Loans and services
Members of the Italian Institute may borrow books and DVD. Click here to find out how to become a member.
Moreover members of the Italian Institute receive a complimentary subscription to our Online Library and Italian Newsstand, MLOL. Please see here for more information.